What is Adult Social Care?

When you think of Adult Social Care, what springs to mind? Perhaps carers or people with disabilities, or supporting older people, or maybe nothing at all! Adult Social Care workers do so much more than first meets the eye.

They enable people to live the lives that they want to lead, empower communities to support wellbeing and help individuals to achieve social justice.

Priorities for Adult Social Care in Hull

The focus both nationally and locally will be to strengthen our commitment to work with people who have lived experience. This is to co-produce adult social care strategies and care and support.

This will include working collaboratively with Adult Social Care providers and partners in the city, including the new Integrated Care System. To ensure we have a valued and sustainable workforce that is able to meet the needs of local people.

We are making a commitment to Making it Real and ensuring that we are inclusive and responsive to people's feedback, especially in relation to -

  • choice
  • independence
  • control
  • quality

We want to be commissioners of great quality care in the city and for providers to deliver services to be proud of.

Our 8 priorities for Adult Social Care are -

  • work in partnership to support people to 'have a life, not a service'
  • co-design our co-production strategy and engagement plan to keep the voice of the person at the heart of everything we do
  • identify and deliver changes to prepare for Adult Social Care reforms
  • reshape our care market to improve responsiveness and build capacity to deliver
  • create opportunities for greater leadership visibility
  • work with system wide partners to develop and plan our workforce strategy
  • develop a performance framework, dashboard, storyboards and key performance indicators to measure improvements and how we are making a difference
  • make best use of resources and identify and achieve agreed efficiencies